Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (the Association) is the most influential body of professional accountants, combining the strengths of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to power opportunity, trust and prosperity for people, businesses and economies worldwide. It represents 650,000 members and students in public and management accounting and advocates for the public interest and business sustainability on current and emerging issues. With broad reach, rigor and resources, the Association advances the reputation, employability and quality of CPAs, CGMA designation holders and accounting and finance professionals globally.
Section Name: AUD Auditing & Attestation
Section Time: 4 hours
Section Format: 3 MCQ testlets consisting of a total of 72 questions; 1 testlet with 7 TBSs
Section Description: This section covers knowledge of auditing procedures, generally accepted auditing standards and other standards related to attest engagements, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge in those engagements.
Section Name: BEC Business Environment and Concept
Section Time: 3 hours
Section Format: 3 MCQ testlets consisting of a total of 72 questions; 1 testlet with 3 written communication tasks.
Section Description: This section covers knowledge of general business environment and concepts that candidates need to know in order to understand the underlying business reason for, and accounting implications of, business transactions, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.
Section Name: FAR Financial Accounting and Reporting
Section Time: 4 hours
Section Format: 3 MCQ testlets consisting of a total of 90 questions; 1 testlet with 7 TBSs
Section Description: This section covers knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles for business enterprises, not for profit organizations, and governmental entities, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.
Section Name: REG Regulation
Section Time: 3 hours
Section Format: 3 MCQ testlets consisting of a total of 72 questions; 1 testlet with 6 TBSs
Section Description: This section covers knowledge of federal taxation, ethics, professional and legal responsibilities, and business law, and the skills needed to apply that knowledge.